St. Margaret's School offers a waterfront campus on the banks of the Rappahannock River. The river weaves through all aspects of school life, from the classroom to activities. Jump into a sailboat, care for an oyster garden, conduct science labs from our beach, and explore our riverfront community.
S.T.R.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, River, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) curriculum that utilizes the river as a classroom
Varsity and club sports, including crew that incorporate the river and our river lawn for conditioning and team building
Teaching environmental preservation and lifelong stewardship through community partnerships and projects, such as oyster restoration in the Chesapeake Bay
Fun on the water with sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding, tubing, and boat rides.
Our Students and The Gospel of Do!
“Welcome from the banks of the Rappahannock River, here, on the campus of St. Margaret’s School in Tappahannock, Virginia . . .”
The nation’s only independent school daily podcast from the banks of the Rappahannock.SISTERS’ PRIDE:
Living and learning in our times.
Students from the Caymen Islands share a tour of our riverfront campus.