Our Admission’s Team

Our admission team is ready to help you embark on an exciting journey to a transformative education at St. Margaret’s School. Whether you are considering our inclusive boarding program or want to be part of our dynamic day student program, our friendly and knowledgeable team will guide you every step of the way. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We are here to support you as you explore the endless possibilities that await you at St. Margaret's School!

  • Associate Head of School for Advancement

  • Director of Institutional Advancement

  • Assistant Director of Admissions

  • Database Manager. Jovita also works with Financial Aid and provides many insights into navigating the application process.

  • Admission Coordinator and Registrar. Stephanie can assist you with academic records to ensure an easy transition.

  • Patti is often traveling across the nation and internationally visiting families and attending admission fairs.